Ronda Piszk Broatch


following sea 
lions        making pretty 

excuses for      failing
to notice        water      

as plastic      ichorous 

ice     a million mirrored
shades of sky         So this 

is dying   
endless trick           of light 


broken only     by December 

rain     Imagine            This

is how 
we disappear          beneath

the Sound        This
is the way we        travel on


Poet and photographer, Ronda Piszk Broatch is the author of Lake of Fallen Constellations, (MoonPath Press, 2015). Ronda is the recipient of an Artist Trust GAP Grant, and her poems have been nominated for the Pushcart prize. Her journal publications include Blackbird, 2River, Sycamore Review, Missouri Review, Palette Poetry, and Public Radio KUOW’s All Things Considered, among others.