Jeri Theriault

Landscape with a tram carrying


                                    a woman
who is grieving or forgetting
or forging forth. Tram carries her
past sidewalk vendors through street

canyons where store fronts blur
pedestrians and the orange trams
headed in the opposite direction.
She is a film watching

its audience    her careful face
framed and flitting
with all the other framed
faces   each one boxed

into its own story.


Jeri Theriault’s poetry collections include Radost, my red (Moon Pie Press) and In the Museum of Surrender, first place winner of the 2013 Encircle Chapbook Contest. She is the editor of WAIT: Poems from the Pandemic (Littoral Books). Her poems and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in journals such as The Rumpus, The Texas Review, The New Ohio Review, and Plume. A Fulbright recipient and three-time Pushcart Prize nominee, she won the 2022 NORward Prize (New Ohio Review) and a 2019 Maine Literary Award for poetry. Jeri spent six years of her teaching career as English Department Chair at the International School of Prague, and now lives in South Portland, Maine.

Learn more about Jeri at